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Definition of key indicators. Panel of key indicators

Category: Information Systems

To manage a business efficiently, a manager (CEO) constantly needs current information about what is happening with production, sales, prices, quality of products etc. He/she does not need all of the data; rather some aggregated indicators which can give him a basic assessment of performance, evaluate results achieved, foresee possible problems and take timely corrective action. These indicators have received the name of «Key Indicators». Key Indicators act as an ‘early warning system’.

Key Indicators: Definition

Key Indicators: Definition

Key Indicators are like traffic lights. They can be either red, yellow or green depending on the situation in a business area at a particular moment in time.

1.3 Panel of key indicators

On the CEO’s desktop, Key Indicators are displayed as a panel which shows the trend in Key Indicators for a selected time period- broken down into required time interval (e.g. day, week, month, quarter, year). All information is displayed in colours and figures.

Panel of key indicators

Panel of key indicators

Below is one example of a Panel of Key Indicators.

example of a Panel of Key Indicators

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