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Archives for the ‘Marketing’ Category

Telephone usage

Category: Marketing

The telephone is a marvellous instrument when you choose to use it, but a pain in the neck if it rings and disturbs your activities. This should be remembered when you contact a customer. Always ask him if you disturb him in a meeting and if you do you should ask him when you can […]

Brochures and company documents

Category: Marketing

Good knowledge about products and prices is a different way of saying: I know what the market requires and I have a good possibility to sell and make a profit. This is all very well but you have to find customers to have this statement confirmed. We all know that no customer is anxiously waiting […]

Sales promotion and publicity

Category: Marketing

Sales Promotion Kotler indicates that sales promotion has «distinctive qualities». Insistent presence. An attention-getting quality that can break through buyer inertia. Product demeaning. Careless or too frequent use can cause people to question the value of the product.

Developing advertising campaigns

Category: Marketing

The following must be considered when developing an advertising campaign: 1. Advertising Objectives The basic advertising objectives can be considered as being to inform, persuade, or remind. In addition advertising objectives might be categorised as:

Promotion Management. Advertising

Category: Marketing

Advertising is paid for, is a commercial transaction, is non-personal in the sense that advertising messages are directed at a mass audience and not directly at the individual as is the case in personal selling. They are also identifiable with their sponsor or originator, which is not always the case with publicity or propaganda.

International distribution

Category: Marketing

Exporting as an entry strategy Indirect or direct. Indirect = export markets contacted through a domestically located middleman (located in the exporter’s country of operation).

Cost factors

Category: Marketing

Channel design options will have varying cost implications and so some analysis will be necessary. Estimates will be required for the cost imposed by each alternative. This might proceed by estimating the costs in a given channel for various sales volumes. In a direct channel this could relate to the number of sales representatives needed […]

Product Factors

Category: Marketing

Product or service characteristics condition channel design. For instance perishable products require particular treatment and the channel necessarily needs the facilities to handle the product in an acceptable manner.

Environmental Factors

Category: Marketing

Market characteristics will inform and constrain channel design. Numbers and dispersion of potential buyers provide the backcloth to decisions on availability. Large widely dispersed markets present quite different possibilities to those in small concentrated markets.

Factors to Consider in Designing Marketing Channels. Strategic Factors

Category: Marketing

The three sets of factors illustrated in the figure below have to be evaluated simultaneously when designing marketing channels. All three sets interact and so the design process is necessarily interactive.