Business — Banking — Management — Marketing & Sales

Logistics division. Organisation function

Category: Bank Management

The number and the diversity of the operations imply strict execution procedures.

One function can guide and even manage the projects of other functions in the bank and thus create synergies.


For any project in a bank, the organisation Function has to match the coherence of the budget with the Bank strategy and the planned capacities of the Computer System.

This is the strategic organisation.

It takes part in the setting up and the control of the operational procedures, and provides the necessary means to operate.

This is the operational organisation.

Positions of the organisation function

The organisation Function has to put together all the functions concerned with a project, in order to maximise users satisfaction and minimise cost.

The organisational methods consist in:

— defining expectations

— listing specifications

— defining the development conditions referring to the specifications by the computer engineers.

— controlling that specifications are respected by every function.

Development methods

The organisation function is in charge of the analysis and the control of the projects.

Using simulation methods, often computerised, many hypotheses can be studied and figures will show the impact on services to the client, other units the bank, budget and return on the investment.

These simulations have to be approved by users.

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