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Characteristics of C.I.S. banks’ human resource management (H.R.M.) that affect the nature of change

Category: Bank Management

Another point is the underestimation of the necessity of modern personnel management and human resources development techniques for selection, training, motivation, promotion, of staff. C.I.S. bankers still have to be convinced that it is a key factor in today’s banking.

H.R.M. practices facilitate or hinder changes. For instance, when their pay levels are function of the seniority, employees are driven to stay in place and say nothing that could cause reactions, expecting that everything will always remain the same On the opposite, recruitment of young staff, individual promotion depending on high performance and innovative behaviour and investments in training are usually favorable to change.

In fact, the need for effective H.R.M. is obvious: in the C.I.S. there often is a shortage of suitably qualified people, with banking experience. Thus getting them can be difficult for a local bank. C.I.S. have not only to acquire a qualified manpower, but also to develop (educate and train), to motivate (have them completly involved in their jobs!) and to retain good, well trained staff. It is partly a matter of image of the profession

Ebtra’s Management Of Change module called « Change management methodologies » notes that « whilst the participation of all staff is essential to facilitate change, the Human Resources Management is becoming essential in guiding the company through times of crisis and change. In fact, the H.R.M. must assume many roles, such as establishing:

The employment policy:

— Definition of the functions and job profiles.

— Recruitment.

— Geographic and occupational mobility.

— Managing career paths (professional promotion).

— Evaluating (appraising) performance.

The pay structure:

— Analysis and evaluation of jobs.

— Defining the salary progression.

— Paying salaries.

— Implementing performance related remuneration.

The security and improved working conditions policy:

— Employment security.

— Improvement in working conditions.

— Health and safety.

The communication and information systems and policy:

— Interviews.

— Meetings.

— Work groups.

— Internal magazine.

— Staff circulars.

The training programmes:

— Analysing needs.

— Preparing training plans.

— Conducting and evaluating training.

We shall let the lecturers make up their minds concerning which, among these functions, are well assumed and raise up dynamism and the weaknesses of C.I.S. banks Human Resources Management.

We suggest only that, after this description, one refers to the board proposed earlier (named « Cultures and organisations that facilitate or obstructs changes »). It will allow some suggestive comparisons and help identify the major hindrances induced by the actual present lacks, and, thus, the points that should be improved in priority.

Fortunately, it appears, more and more often, that C.I.S. banks discover their needs to involve in improving their human resources policies and practices.

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