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Archives for the ‘Information Systems’ Category

Data input required

Category: Information Systems

The following data have to be input into the system to make the order tracking system work:

The proposed concept of order tracking

Category: Information Systems

a. The product manufactured consists of four typical components, i.e. subassembly 1, subassembly 2, housing (3), and of an external component (4) which is attached to the completed product.

Manufacturing order tracking system. Objective

Category: Information Systems

Companies which manufacture «by order» (i.e. by customer order, by production order, or in using a combination of both) are faced keeping track of order progress. The management reporting systems in most Ukrainian companies, however, are designed to generate reporting by period (i.e. by month, quarter, year).

Preconditions for integration of information systems

Category: Information Systems

To enhance financial management a company typically needs to integrate its information systems, if one or more of the following criteria are met:

Necessary actions at the lower level of the company to implement MIS/EIS

Category: Information Systems

In order to implement the management tools, quite often it is necessary to improve the company system at the bottom level in order to automate the use of these tools as much as possible.

Lack of methodology

Category: Information Systems

Historically, many companies converted from Mainframe to modern Intranet technologies and most encountered methodological problems in modernising their software. Various programmers using different languages developed programmes to overcome problems. However, programme source codes are usually insufficiently documented and business processes and document turnover are rarely formalised.

The typical situation in Ukrainian enterprises

Category: Information Systems

When selecting and analysing candidate companies for project assistance and working with the selected companies, a number of striking similarities were observed. These similarities led to the idea to formulate a generic methodology for MIS implementation.

Characteristics of successful EIS implementation

Category: Information Systems

Find an Appropriate ‘Executive Champion’ EIS projects that succeed do so because at least one member of the senior management team agrees to ‘champion’ the project. The executive champion need not fully understand the technical issues but must be a person who works closely with the senior management team and understands their needs, work styles […]

Factors necessary for effective implementation of MIS

Category: Information Systems

MIS implementation projects sometimes fail even in companies where management is effective in other terms. Even in cases when implementation goes more or less smoothly, it often happens that budget and time limits for achieving live operation are exceeded.

Definition of key indicators. Panel of key indicators

Category: Information Systems

To manage a business efficiently, a manager (CEO) constantly needs current information about what is happening with production, sales, prices, quality of products etc. He/she does not need all of the data; rather some aggregated indicators which can give him a basic assessment of performance, evaluate results achieved, foresee possible problems and take timely corrective […]